wpost.in If you looking for quality and luxury design this 1room studio apartment with lovely balcony, big bath tub "jakuzzi", air conditioner, satellite and free Wi Fi is the very best choice. This spacious fully furnished apartment is situated only 1 minute away (by walk ) from famous Khreshchatik street and Independence Square-- on Zan'kovets'koi St, 4 (this area names Khreshchatik passage) in prestigious historic building with elevator, high ceilings and central heating. Downstairs 24/7 security guard is present. The accommodation is surrounded by numerous boutiques, restaurants, pubs and nightclubs. Moreover thanks to the central location to business districts and main tourist attractions this accommodation is perfect choice for all types of travelers. The flat is made according to contemporary standards. It's design provides maximum space and comfort. Harmonious special details creates pleasant atmosphere. Big windows provide plenty of day light in this uncluttered spacious apartment. This studio apartment comprises 1 big studio which is divided into several areas (area of bedroom, living room, kitchen), large elegant bathroom and nice balcony. In the bedroom there are queen size bed with an orthopedic mattress and 2 nice night tables. In front of the bed there is a TV with satellite (due to it there are many local and international channels). The area of living room welcomes you with very comfortable folding couch with pillows, 2 armchairs, chest of drawers, big <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:17
Скриншоты к видео New luxury Jacuzzi studio Passage
wpost.in 4*. , 1 . ( ) 10 . ? ? , , . , , , . : , Wi Fi, , , , , , , , , ? . , , ))) , , . , . . . !?IT More than 4*. With the fine developed transport upshot of ,rent there is a 1 room apartment . To the subway Darnica (by pedestrian motion) 10 min. nightly mini shops ,kinoteatr, shopping center. Likable repair, furniture, light registration of window shades, is correctly placed, and which will heave up the great number of nice little things your mood. An apartment is equipped all necessary technique and furniture: sputnik of TV, Wi fi, washing machine, television set, hair dryer, iron, tea pot, all necessary tableware, microwave ,washing machine, iron, sleeping bed, .V presence there always are attributes of hygiene, tea of coffee. An apartment is quiet, clean and well groomed. Parking for a typewriter, under a house. Длительность: 1:23
roomorama.com This fantastic and ultra sophisticated Studio Apartment was designed with a touch of good taste in an Ampere and Hi Tech fusion style. Being located in the very downtown of Kiev right opposite "Parus" office center this apartment is truly one of the most charming places to rent in Kiev center. It's just 10 min. walk from the main Khreshchatyk Str. and a couple of minutes from Sport Palace metro station. The apartment is fully furnished and equipped with everything one may require for a comfortable stay in Kiev. Double bed and a corner sofa convertible into full sized bed (sleep 4 people). Jacuzzi tub. Quiet building area with a green back yard. Parking spot. 2nd floor, no elevator. Door coded building entrance. Weekly maid service is included. Feel free to contact us to receive any additional info regarding this or any other apartment of ours. Длительность: 1:25
roomorama.com Luxurious VIP class one bedroom apartment (the rooms are separate) is located in the center of Kiev. The whole aria of the apartment is 84 square meters; the apartment is located on 11th floor of a brand new building that became available for living only in 2008. Apartment windows open up an enchanting view to a National House of Organ Music located inside beautiful Roman Catholic church built in gothic style. The advantages of living in a brand new house you could feel just from entering the building -- the entrance hallway gives you a feeling of neatness and security. New and modern apartment lay out will let you experience all the advantages of living in a building with improved design. The building has a convenient security system -- intercom and 24 hour concierge. The apartment location allows you to enjoy all the privileges of a quiet neighborhood in the heart of the capital. It has an open view to a quiet courtyard. Gorkiy Street is one of the central locations of Kiev which is parallel to Chervonoarmiyska (Velyka Vasylkivska) Street. It is only 10 minute walk to Respublikansky Stadium and Palats Ukraina subway stations. There are Megamartket and Olimpiysky malls and Butterfly movie theater nearby. There is an underground parking avaliable for an extra fee. There is an armed door with mechanic lock at the apartment entrance. The apartment is newly renovated in classical style. All the furniture is brand new and in the same color pallet. All the rooms <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:53
Скриншоты к видео ID 71 Luxurious VIP-class one bedroomapt
обзор на новою станцию метро "Иподром" в Киеве Скажу что внутри она красивая и удобная, но что касаемо функциональности - очень не удобно! Сначало транспортная развязка,пересадка на ст.м "Выставочный Центр" Длительность: 4:09
www.zdorovaukraina.org.ua Кто Хочет принять участив ТВ-АЛКО-рейдах - пишем сюда - zdorovaukraina@bigmir.net ТВ "Здоровая Украина" вместе с активистами Игоря Баленко и молодежной организации "Здравое Звено" в Алко-рейде -г. Киев, метро Позняки Отличный показатель - из 7 точек продали только в 2-х. Директор магазина искренне возмущена действиями своего продавца и обещала непременно его пожурить. Похожее ВИДЕО: - Закрываем КАЗИНО - www.youtube.com - АЛКО-рейд -Севастопольская площадь - www.youtube.com Длительность: 2:55
Скриншоты к видео Пиво - Детям! АЛКО-рейд -Харьковский р-н , Киев
I'm embarrassed about how much my mood is affected by beautiful sunshine... Lyrics (available below): Jaime K. Siev Music: Nas Song: One Mic Album: Stillmatic www.soundcloud.com/h_ngm_n From the album Love & Chemicals II: The Dub'iners I do not own the rights to this song, it is just for a hobby I have with Poetry. _________________________________ I'm scared, really scared, because I have no strength. I was unable to jump out of my 8th floor dormitory window freshman year. I had unscrewed the safety latches and sat with my feet dangling. Wrote a letter that began, 'I don't want to feel anymore', and then I died. See Jaime. See Jaime run. Run, Jaime, run. There is nothing left, the well is dry. I will never write again Did you hear me? There is nothing left, the well is dry I will never... I hope there are more artists, than there are drunks, listening to this song. I am too simple to give anyone a complex. I want people to be scorched from the heat of my flames. Technology is not killing the human race, it is actually enhancing our stupidity. Let's go home and screw on my website. No one has ever promised me salvation, my grave shall be a blank slate. See Jaime. See Jaime run run Jaime run (x2) When I said I was going to throw up I didn't mean from my stomach, I meant from my brain stem. It is 'us' against 'them'. Do not mistake me as just another cynical socialist who works at the post office thinking of ways to off my boss. That bastard who keeps telling me to 'Work <b>...</b> Длительность: 4:29
Скриншоты к видео Kiev Underground (or Run, Jaime, Run)
rm32.com ? Ladies and gentlemen!I offer you a great opportunity to stay in an amazing, convenient and nice apartment.The apartment is located at Dniprovskyi borough. Darnytskyi Blvd. 19. Of Art. m Darnitsa only 7 minutes on foot. The apartment is located on the 4th floor of a 5 floor building. So you will be very convenient and fast to get to any place in our wonderful city.The apartment is very stylish and effect has just been recently renovatedThe apartment has everything you might need phone, TV, refrigerator, armored door, parquet flooring, windows, doors, plastic, tile, all the amenities for your comfort.Due to geographical location, our guests will be in close proximity to the historical and architectural monuments of Kiev, will be able to touch history, feel the greatness and beauty of the ancient city. ? Next to the apartment daily in Kiev is a park "Victory", which was renovated and upgraded to the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Kiev. Gifts and souvenirs you can buy in a large shopping complex "Detsky Mir", located nearby. And also you will have the opportunity to visit lots of wonderful places!We will always help you in solving any problems, and a friendly atmosphere, comfort and excellent service will make your stay a memorable one, will be the key to a successful business and just a good mood. ? And also you will have the opportunity to visit ? ?• Kiev Pechersk Lavra (7 minutes by subway); ? ?• Sophia's Cathedral; ? ?• water park (5 minutes by subway <b>...</b> Длительность: 0:41
rm32.com Near ExpoPlaza. Nearest Metro station Nivki (500m). The apartment is located all the necessary equipment: 3 TVs, a microwave, refrigerator, stove, 2 air conditioners, washing machine, dryer, iron. Utensils and bedding. Computer + Wi Fi. Alarm. 4 beds, two double beds. Two bathrooms, one attached and one single. Длительность: 0:41
Хочу заметить, что Номерной на СБЛ - не такое частое явление. В будний день Номерной - это примерно каждый седьмой/восьмой состав... Длительность: 4:15
Скриншоты к видео Интересный порядок составов на СБЛ
Проект Євро Вірші -- Euro Poems відбуватиметься одночасно в чотирьох українських містах-господарях Чемпіонату Європи з футболу -- Львів, Київ, Харків, Донецьк. 07-28.06 /ЛЬВІВ/ виставка біля пам'ятника Іванові Франку (вул. Університетська); 12.06-01.07 /ДОНЕЦЬК/ виставка вздовж вулиці Челюскінців (навпроти Центрального ринку); 12.06-02.07 /КИЇВ/ виставки на станціях метрополітену: «Політехнічний інститут», «Поштова площа» та «Кловська». 13-28.06 /ХАРКІВ/ виставки на станціях метрополітену: «Держпром», «Радянська», «Академіка Барабашова». Доробок 12 українських та 12 польських поетів українською та англійською мовою буде розташовано на станціях метрополітену Києва та Харкова, а також в міському публічному просторі Донецька і Львова. Мета проекту полягає в тому, щоб показати спільну європейську культурну спадщину українців і поляків на прикладі сучасної поезії, а також залучити нову аудиторію до відстеження літературного життя. ПОЛЬЩА - 12 ПОЕТІВ: Адам Відеман, Анджей Стасюк, Даріуш Сосніцький, Даріуш Суска, Евгеніуш Ткачишин-Дицький, Збіґнєв Махей, Йоанна Вайс, Йоанна Мюллер, Кароль Малішевський, Клара Новаковська, Кристина Домбровська, Рената Сенктас. УКРАЇНА - 12 ПОЕТІВ: Андрій Бондар, Богдана Матіяш, Гриць Семенчук, Дмитро Лазуткін, Катерина Бабкіна, Маріанна Кіяновська, Олег Коцарев, Остап Сливинський, Павло Вольвач, Павло Коробчук, Сергій Жадан, Юрій Андрухович. Вперше польська та українська поезія буде представлена багатомільйонній аудиторії українців та футбольних <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:21
Скриншоты к видео ЄВРО ВІРШІ: Остап Сливинський - Ми проїхали місто...