wpost.in This great one room apartment is located in a very center of the Old Kiev, in 21a Yaroslaviv Val street, metro station Zoloti Vorota (Golden Gate).The district is very beautiful with ancient buildings around, squares, park, ancient monuments like Golden Gate, the main entrance to the Old Kiev but also with modern infrastructure like shops and supermarket.Newly refurbished and designed in a lovely modern style, the flat is in 4th floor of a building of the tsar epoch. The flat is very spacious (and high! ceiling measures 4m height), clear, warm and calm, windows giving to a cozy little yard. The apartment is beautifully furnished: wide double bed, sofa, glass coffee table, work desk in the corner of the room, the room itself is decorated in lovely green colours. The kitchen is separate from the room and has a kitchen furniture, gas cooker, new refrigerator, microvawe, electric kettle and all needful kitchen utensils and ware. Bathroom is spacious as well and is equipped with a bath, washstand, wc, washing mashine and electric water heater. Other facilities of this nice flat are Satellite television, telephone (calls within the city), Internet Wi Fi, iron, iron desk, hairdryer.We provide of course fresh bed cloths and towels (two for each guest). This flat can accommodate up to 2 persons.You will surely enjoy staying in this nice apartment. Длительность: 1:29
Скриншоты к видео Wonderful 1room in Old Town YV21a
Probably, the most amazing city in the most lovely country - Ukraine are full off songs, one of that I captured few hours ago on the Kreschatik subway station. Sorry for portrait orientation, I didn't suspect that it will be so stretched. Длительность: 2:24
Скриншоты к видео Kiev, Ukraine subway full of amazing song
обзор на новою станцию метро "Иподром" в Киеве Скажу что внутри она красивая и удобная, но что касаемо функциональности - очень не удобно! Сначало транспортная развязка,пересадка на ст.м "Выставочный Центр" Длительность: 4:09
October 19th, 2012 Leaving Work in Troy, Michigan and walking out the doors I heard a few booms. That's weird, because it's mostly residential and commercial/retail around. The Booms were sort bursts and loud that seem to have been coming from South of 16 Mile.The booms continued for a few minutes after my phone died and didn't hear any more thunder like noise.It was raining out so the thunder could have been just that, but there was no lightning. The other thing I noticed was that there was the low level constant noise in the background again, similar to what I've caught on video before at home. tags: "Booms, sky, weird, "noises in sky", "noises from sky", October, 2012, strange, thunder, explosions, Troy, Michigan, apocalypse, fracking, fraking, boom, crazy, "in sky", trumpets, odd, sounds, scary, loud, lightning, rapture, Detroit, metro, mining, HAARP, Project Blue Beam, cover up, blasting, government, conspiracy, kiev noises, paranormal, extra terrestrial, UFO, unidentified, "Mysterious Длительность: 6:10
Скриншоты к видео Strange Boom Noises In Troy, MI (October 19th, 2012)
Недвижимость в Буче, отличается обустроенной прилегающей территорией. Чудесными видами из окон. Близостью и доступностью торгово-развлекательных комплексов и всех необходимых учреждении. Хорошо развитой транспортной инфраструктурой, 25 минут до метро - Академгородка, Святошино, Житомирской, Минской. Еще информацию можно посмотреть на сайте: estkvartira.org Длительность: 1:48
Скриншоты к видео Буча - лучший город для жизни и отдыха.wmv