В этом видео мы частично переведем ваш craftbukkit и создадим и настроем сервер.Особенно разжуем весь server.properetis. Ссылка на craftbukkit: dl.bukkit.org Ссылка на In class translator: series40.kiev.ua Ссылка на Notepad++: notepad-plus-plus.org Коды на запуск сервера: 64 битная система: @echo off "%ProgramFiles(x86)%Javajre7binjava.exe" -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar craftbukkit.jar pause 32 битная система: @echo off java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui pause Длительность: 14:51
Скриншоты к видео Создание и настройка MineCraft сервера версии 1.4.7 (craftbukkit)
Eve Smith, Senior English Fellow of US Department of State, was very kind to introduce the Library of The Janet C. Demiray English Teaching Resource Center (ETRC) in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine! Visitors, teachers of English language, school, University's and post-graduate students and expartriates (foreigners who live in Kyiv and speak English) are WELCOME to the Library! any questions = telephone = (067)-230-7619 or (044)-238-66-10 e-mail: etrc_kyiv@yahoo.com WELCOME! LOCATION: 5 minutes near METRO "KONTRACTOVA" (Kyiv) ADDRESS: go to main Building of Kyiv-Mohyla University, 2 Skovorody Street, Building #3 (go inside courtyard through WOODEN GATE near the Church at the left side and TURN RIGHT), entrance #2, at 1st floor, turn right to Room 121, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04070 DIRECT LINK of this VIDEO = youtu.be ====================== Recorded: January 15th, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine. ======================================= The Janet C. Demiray English Teaching Resource Center (JCD ETRC) at the English Department of the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" supported by the US Embassy in Ukraine is a multi-purpose pedagogical center that functions as a library and classroom. It maintains and distributes an extensive collection of textbooks, reference materials and DVDs, and also offers weekly free English teaching methodology seminars, Youth Discussion and Film Clubs. MEMBERSHIP is Free. The English Teaching Resource Center is open to teachers of English and American Studies. Membership <b>...</b> Длительность: 5:07
Скриншоты к видео Welcome to English Teaching Resource Center (ETRC) in Kyiv, Ukraine!
wpost.in 4*. , 1 . ( ) 10 . ? ? , , . , , , . : , Wi Fi, , , , , , , , , ? . , , ))) , , . , . . . !?IT More than 4*. With the fine developed transport upshot of ,rent there is a 1 room apartment . To the subway Darnica (by pedestrian motion) 10 min. nightly mini shops ,kinoteatr, shopping center. Likable repair, furniture, light registration of window shades, is correctly placed, and which will heave up the great number of nice little things your mood. An apartment is equipped all necessary technique and furniture: sputnik of TV, Wi fi, washing machine, television set, hair dryer, iron, tea pot, all necessary tableware, microwave ,washing machine, iron, sleeping bed, .V presence there always are attributes of hygiene, tea of coffee. An apartment is quiet, clean and well groomed. Parking for a typewriter, under a house. Длительность: 1:23
roomorama.com Luxurious one bedroom apartment located a 10 min walk from metro station Geroiv Dnipra or Minskaya (very convenient road interchange). Quiet surroundings, Obolonskaya Naberezhnaya and Dnepr river view. Near market, supermarket, pharmacy, public and private parking zone. Double bed with orthopedic mattress, convertible sofa in the living room (2+2).Aircons in both rooms.75 channels, internet, washing machine, fridge, microwave, kettle, iron, ironing board, stove, kitchen utensils, bed linen, bathroom necessities. Длительность: 1:23
Скриншоты к видео Luxurious one bedroom apt Dnipr view
roomorama.com Lux class apartment in high block Knyazhy Terem on Dniepr river bank. 5 min walk to Osokorki metro station, 100m to Materik Shopping Center and 24 hour supermarket, car parks, bank, law firm, 2 beauty salons. Original restaurant Kushavel is on ground floor of the building. Concierge, code lock, private firefighters service. 75 m2, 24th floor, all necessary home appliances, designer project with gorgeous views, white bed linen, disposable slippers, welcome tea and coffee and beautiful views of Kiev. Длительность: 1:41
XD just having fun with my friends who came in Kiev from Donetsk =D Miss them, 2 Sergios)) There are few guitar spins made with my bag, so there are few bag spins =D Длительность: 2:13
Скриншоты к видео Unofficial video by Asking Alexandria. Filmed in Kiev, Ukraine
Попал я на этот концерт Случайно! :))) Хотел зайти в метро Дворец Украины, а оно оказалось закрытым, я Решил не печалиться вставил наушники с Любимой Музыкой и пошел до следующего метро, дойдя до метро Олимпийская, которое тоже оказалось закрытым, я немножечко расстроился, т.к. спешил на Встречу к Друзьям, но и тут Решил, что все к Лучшему, вышел и смотрю какой-то Концерт, не раздумывая, я пошел разузнать все Лично и попал на Шикарное Выступление МакSим, мне очень Понравилось как она работает с публикой, дальше было жарче и своим Шоу нас ПоРАдовал Arash, который зажигал на уРА, все было Потрясающим, а салют посреди Концерта сразу за сценой, это было неописуемо КРАсиво!!! :) Концерт состоялся 12 мая 2012 на Троицкой площади возле НСК «Олимпийский»! :) Длительность: 16:04
Скриншоты к видео Выступление Arash на Троицкой площади (12.05.12)