My Wife did this video and send it to me from Ukraine by Skype. Airbus a320 take off from London Luton Airport. Runway 26. Wizz air Wizz to Europe.The airline was established in September 2003. The lead investor is Indigo Partners, an American private equity firm[3] specialising in transportation investments. The first flight was made from Katowice on 19 May 2004, 19 days after Poland and Hungary entered the European Union and the single European aviation market. The airline carried 250000 passengers in its first three and a half months, almost 1.4 million passengers in the first year of operations and to date,[when?] 10 million passengers. In 2007, Wizz Air carried 2.9 million passengers on its Polish routes. The airline's CEO and chairman is J Длительность: 3:10
Скриншоты к видео Airbus a320 all I want for now! And fly away this February/ London Luton
Eve Smith, Senior English Fellow of US Department of State, was very kind to introduce the Library of The Janet C. Demiray English Teaching Resource Center (ETRC) in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine! Visitors, teachers of English language, school, University's and post-graduate students and expartriates (foreigners who live in Kyiv and speak English) are WELCOME to the Library! any questions = telephone = (067)-230-7619 or (044)-238-66-10 e-mail: WELCOME! LOCATION: 5 minutes near METRO "KONTRACTOVA" (Kyiv) ADDRESS: go to main Building of Kyiv-Mohyla University, 2 Skovorody Street, Building #3 (go inside courtyard through WOODEN GATE near the Church at the left side and TURN RIGHT), entrance #2, at 1st floor, turn right to Room 121, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04070 DIRECT LINK of this VIDEO = ====================== Recorded: January 15th, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine. ======================================= The Janet C. Demiray English Teaching Resource Center (JCD ETRC) at the English Department of the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" supported by the US Embassy in Ukraine is a multi-purpose pedagogical center that functions as a library and classroom. It maintains and distributes an extensive collection of textbooks, reference materials and DVDs, and also offers weekly free English teaching methodology seminars, Youth Discussion and Film Clubs. MEMBERSHIP is Free. The English Teaching Resource Center is open to teachers of English and American Studies. Membership <b>...</b> Длительность: 5:07
Скриншоты к видео Welcome to English Teaching Resource Center (ETRC) in Kyiv, Ukraine! Hello everybody! : )I am glad that you are on my profile. About the apartment in general.It is 7 minutes away by foot from the closest metro station. Direct line & only 6 stops away from the city center. The area is calm (residential) & safe.I live in a new multi storey building, from where you can get a beautiful view of the city. There is a huge park not far away from my place. It's quiet here. Just 2 minutes from my place you can find a supermarket, a drugstore, more shops, a bank, a post office...In the flat lives my son (3,5 years old) and myself.I have no pets.You will get freshly washed towels, bed linen, a warm blanket... Feel free to ask whatever else you might need.Internet is available for free, without limit of time of data usage.The windows of the room are huge, allowing lots of light to enter the rooms; there are triple glazed which assure you a comfortable night of sleep; in addition thick there are blackout curtains for you to rest as well and long as you wish as well.You can regulate the light in the rooms.You can regulate the temperature of the heating of the rooms. The price.$89 per night. !!! $119 per night any day starting from the 27 of December till the 2nd of January.Nights of your stay will have to be paid in advance. Any question, feel free to ask. As well I'll be happy to meet you at the closest station metro station (Chernihivs'ka) to help you to get to my place. Other details:It's really clean everywhere in my apartment as I carry <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:17
Скриншоты к видео Comfortable apartment by the metro
Кастинг в Киеве состоится 16 декабря в 10:00 по адресу проспект Победы, 44, киностудия им. Довженко. Подробности в оф. группе Вконтакте Кастинг в Москве состоится 22 декабря в 10:00 по адресу 7-й километр Новорижского шоссе, киностудия "Главкино", от станции метро "Тушинская"(первый вагон), на автобусе или маршрутке № 541 или №549 Кастинг в Алматы состоится 26 декабря, 10:00 на киностудии "Казахфильм" по адресу пр. Аль-Фараби, 176. Подробности в оф. группе Вконтакте и на сайте или по телефону +7 (727) 267 27 50 Длительность: 0:31
Скриншоты к видео Хочу в "ВИА Гру". Кастинг в Киеве - 16 декабря, 10:00 4*. , 1 . ( ) 10 . , " " 7 . , , . , , , . : , Wi Fi, , , , , , , , , , . , , ))) , , . , . . . !A clean and comfortable apartment is in the center of Kiev: 11 mines on foot to the Central railway station and tube station the "Station". To the tube station the "Olympic stadium" is 7 mines on foot. To nearest BIGmarket and central street red army Soldier 3 minutes on foot. An apartment is equipped all necessary for a hospitable residence as in a good 4STARS hotel: large DABBEL bed, television set, satellite an Wi fi, closet compartment, washing machine, bath, microwave large glass balcony with an arm chair and dinner wagon. And the most important is parking under a house.QUIET CLEAN AND WARM APARTMENT NEAR SUBWAY? Длительность: 1:35
Скриншоты к видео Good warm apartment is in a cent One bedroom (2 room) apartment in Pechersk district, located close to Druzhby Narodiv subway station. Lesya Ukrainka bolvard has a high concentration of restaurants and stores for every taste: Sushiya sushi bar, Shinok (Ukrainian cuisine), Kazbek (Caucasian cuisine), Lacente... Длительность: 1:23
Скриншоты к видео ID 96 Apartment in Kiev, L.Ukrainka Five storeyed building located just few steps from metro stop "Druschba narodov". The street is for those, who appreciate quiet places in center. Apartment is located on the second floor with balcony, the door functions with a door code and the apartment is equipped with high speed Internet. Be welcome in Kiew! Длительность: 0:41
Скриншоты к видео OldTown Apartment,next to the Metro
Дачный участок с необычным ландшафтом анфиладного типа в Киеве на Татарке, по улице Отто Шмидта в 10 минутах от метро Лукьяновская. Живописное место на склоне, уютный зелёный уголок. Участок 7,7 соток, есть плодоносный сад, подведены вода и электричество. Цена за сотку 5200 у.е. Подробно на сайте: Длительность: 6:58
Скриншоты к видео Дачный участок на Татарке (Киев) Modern Studio right bu the subway "Obolon" . 15 min subway ride to Kreschatik Fully furnished , with plazma TV, cable and wifi Shower cabinet. there is a sofa bed that unfolds, and accommodates 2 people. Right across the street is a big supermarket. 7 min walk and you can reach entertainment center " Dreamland" with cinema and restaurants in it Длительность: 0:41
Скриншоты к видео Modern Studio 15 mon from the KIev Cente
Полное видео пожара в метро Осокорки и его последствий. Пожар произошел 14 марта в 16:54. Из-за сильного дыма была парализована работа трёх станций метро. Осокорки сгорели полностью. Подробнее: I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( Длительность: 10:00
Скриншоты к видео Полное видео пожара в метро Осокорки и его последствий
Из 2х часового сценария большая часть вырезана, но первые полчаса показаны почти полностью. Не-любителям ж/д не рекомендуется - сгорите от скуки :) . Писк - работа тормозов на локомотиве, при торможении составов воздух из ТЦ локомотива стравливаю. Искажённое гудение - звуки проезжающих поездов метро. Звук полностью сохранён, в т.ч. с его лагами. Длительность: 52:41
Скриншоты к видео Trainz 12. Сценарий Москва-Пассажирская.avi