wpost.in Hello everybody! : )I am glad that you are on my profile. About the apartment in general.It is 7 minutes away by foot from the closest metro station. Direct line & only 6 stops away from the city center. The area is calm (residential) & safe.I live in a new multi storey building, from where you can get a beautiful view of the city. There is a huge park not far away from my place. It's quiet here. Just 2 minutes from my place you can find a supermarket, a drugstore, more shops, a bank, a post office...In the flat lives my son (3,5 years old) and myself.I have no pets.You will get freshly washed towels, bed linen, a warm blanket... Feel free to ask whatever else you might need.Internet is available for free, without limit of time of data usage.The windows of the room are huge, allowing lots of light to enter the rooms; there are triple glazed which assure you a comfortable night of sleep; in addition thick there are blackout curtains for you to rest as well and long as you wish as well.You can regulate the light in the rooms.You can regulate the temperature of the heating of the rooms. The price.$89 per night. !!! $119 per night any day starting from the 27 of December till the 2nd of January.Nights of your stay will have to be paid in advance. Any question, feel free to ask. As well I'll be happy to meet you at the closest station metro station (Chernihivs'ka) to help you to get to my place. Other details:It's really clean everywhere in my apartment as I carry <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:17
Скриншоты к видео Comfortable apartment by the metro
Подробности в оф. группе Вконтакте vk.com и на сайте www.ntv.ru Кастинг в Москве состоится 22 декабря в 10:00 по адресу 7-й километр Новорижского шоссе, киностудия "Главкино", от станции метро "Тушинская"(первый вагон), на автобусе или маршрутке № 541 или №549 Кастинг в Киеве состоится 16 декабря в 10:00 по адресу проспект Победы, 44, киностудия им. Довженко. Кастинг в Алматы состоится 26 декабря, 10:00 на киностудии "Казахфильм" по адресу пр. Аль-Фараби, 176. Подробности в оф. группе Вконтакте vk.com и на сайте www.ntk.kz или по телефону +7 (727) 267 27 50 Длительность: 0:31
Скриншоты к видео Хочу в "ВИА Гру". Кастинг в Москве - 22 декабря, 10:00
roomorama.com One bedroom apartment is proposed forshort term rental in Podol. Nearest metro station Kontraktova Ploscha is located just 5 minutes walk. The apartment is on the 2 floor of an ancient royal house, the ceiling 3,8 m, big room and kitchen, new renovation, air conditioner, kitchen, microwave, dishes, refrigerator, Internet, cable TV, double bed, laminate flooring, quiet and cozy, beautiful view from windows. In front of the house there is a square and a car parking. transfer from Boryspol airport accounting documents Длительность: 1:11
Скриншоты к видео Nice apartment in historical center
roomorama.com Near to a complex Mandarin Plaza and club'Arena', 2 minutes to the Bessarabsky area and a Kreschatik, near to metro station'Sports Palace'. Kitchen studio, with levator, the concierge, 5 floor, air conditioning, satellite and cable TV, the Internet, a balcony, phone, the iron. Длительность: 1:17
roomorama.com A luxurious 2 room apartment in the centre of Kiev near Zoloti Vorota subway station. The apartment is located in the yard of Vladimirskaya street,it is situated on the 4 floor of the 5 storey building.The windows overlook the yard. The entrance to the building is through the... Длительность: 1:35
Скриншоты к видео ID 61 A luxurious 2 room apartment
Николай Азаров ознакомился с реконструкцией и достройкой скоростной трамвайной линии в жилом массиве Троещина в Киеве. Глава Правительства совершил пробную поездку по маршруту скоростного трамвая, который будет ходить до городской кольцевой электрички, отметив удобство нового вида транспорта. Кроме того, Премьер сообщил, что эта трамвайная линия в будущем будет использована как одна из веток наземного метро на Троещине. Длительность: 2:58
Скриншоты к видео Премьер первым оценил скоростной трамвай
Комплексное и полное прохождение игры Metro 2033, где мы в роли одного из выживших после ядерной войны, Артёма, будем спасать человечество от мутантов чёрных и будем пытаться выжить в пост апокалиптическом метро. В социальных сетях: Vkontakte: vk.com __________________________________ twitter: twitter.com __________________________________ www.facebook.com __________________________________ Site: anub1k.kiev.ua Длительность: 16:58
Скриншоты к видео Metro 2033 - Cерия 9 [Боевые дрезины]
Try to make it smooth but kind hard with the wind blown at 24 kts ******************************************************************************************************The Anotonov-225 "MRIYA/DREAM". This one is the biggest and heaviest aircraft flying on Earth. She was designed to carry the Soviet space shuttle "Buran/Snowstorm". After spending years of inactivity at Kiev Airport after the Buran program was canceled, she was put back into service in 2001 to assist her smaller sister an124. This paint scheme shows her actual colours in August 2003. Model and Textures by Tom Ruth. Modified defauld 747400 aircraft.cfg by Alexander Kvitta and Thomas Ruth. Copyright August 2003 Длительность: 4:00
Скриншоты к видео FS2004 HD Antonov Airlines AN-225
Пізнавальний проект, у якому глядачі дізнаються про історію вулиць української столиці, і, звичайно ж, про їхні таємниці. Програма виходить у форматі живої нестандартної екскурсії, у якій ведуча-гід знайомитиме глядачів з появою, життям і навіть... менталітетом вулиць древнього міста. Таємниці столичних вулиць, провулків, будинків, тунелів метрополітену -- об'єктів, які уже давно стали для мешканців міста звичними та буденними в їхньому повсякденному житті. Длительность: 11:12
Скриншоты к видео 07.06.2012. Прогулянки містом. Частина 2
Kiev or Kyiv is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River. Kiev is an important industrial, scientific, educational and cultural centre of Eastern Europe. It is home to many high-tech industries, higher education institutions and world-famous historical landmarks. The city has an extensive infrastructure and highly developed system of public transport, including the Kiev Metro. The name Kiev is said to derive from the name of Kyi, one of four legendary founders of the city (brothers Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv, and sister Lybid). During its history, Kiev, one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, passed through several stages of great prominence and relative obscurity. The city probably existed as a commercial centre as early as the 5th century. A Slavic settlement on the great trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople, Kiev was a tributary of the Khazars, until seized by the Varangians (Vikings) in the mid-9th century. Under Varangians rule, the city became a capital of the Rus', the first East Slavic state. Completely destroyed during the Mongol invasion in 1240, the city lost most of its influence for the centuries to come. It was a provincial capital of marginal importance in the outskirts of the territories controlled by its powerful neighbours; first the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, followed by Poland and Russia. Kiev is one of the oldest cities of Eastern Europe and has played a pivotal role <b>...</b> Длительность: 4:18
Скриншоты к видео Kiev, Ukraine - 2012 - Kyiv , Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine - Kiev, Ukraine