Про це заявив голова КМДА Олександр Попов. До кінця лютого відпрацюють шляхи фінансування проекту та приймуть рішення, стосовно початку будівництва. Вартість 4 гілки метрополітену оцінюють у 2 мільярди доларів. Подільсько-Вигурівський напрямок матиме 12 станцій, з яких три - наземні та одне депо - для вагонів метрополітену. За попередніми розрахунками, щодня цим маршрутом їздитимуть 450 тисяч пасажирів. Реалізація проекту почнеться одразу після завершення станції "Теремки". Длительность: 2:38
Скриншоты к видео 14.02.2013. Метро на Троєщину почнуть будувати у цьому році
wpost.in Hello everybody! : )I am glad that you are on my profile. About the apartment in general.It is 7 minutes away by foot from the closest metro station. Direct line & only 6 stops away from the city center. The area is calm (residential) & safe.I live in a new multi storey building, from where you can get a beautiful view of the city. There is a huge park not far away from my place. It's quiet here. Just 2 minutes from my place you can find a supermarket, a drugstore, more shops, a bank, a post office...In the flat lives my son (3,5 years old) and myself.I have no pets.You will get freshly washed towels, bed linen, a warm blanket... Feel free to ask whatever else you might need.Internet is available for free, without limit of time of data usage.The windows of the room are huge, allowing lots of light to enter the rooms; there are triple glazed which assure you a comfortable night of sleep; in addition thick there are blackout curtains for you to rest as well and long as you wish as well.You can regulate the light in the rooms.You can regulate the temperature of the heating of the rooms. The price.$89 per night. !!! $119 per night any day starting from the 27 of December till the 2nd of January.Nights of your stay will have to be paid in advance. Any question, feel free to ask. As well I'll be happy to meet you at the closest station metro station (Chernihivs'ka) to help you to get to my place. Other details:It's really clean everywhere in my apartment as I carry <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:17
Скриншоты к видео Comfortable apartment by the metro
roomorama.com Near to a complex Mandarin Plaza and club'Arena', 2 minutes to the Bessarabsky area and a Kreschatik, near to metro station'Sports Palace'. Kitchen studio, with levator, the concierge, 5 floor, air conditioning, satellite and cable TV, the Internet, a balcony, phone, the iron. Длительность: 1:17
roomorama.com Affordable Luxury, Perfectly Located, Expertly Designed more then just apartment rentalA comfortable two room (one bedroom) apartment, well suited for a small family or group visiting Kiev.The apartment is situated on the third floor, faces the street and has sound proof windows prevent any possible noise from the street.The bedroom has a queen size bed, the living area also has a fold out sofa bed. The bed and the sofa are new to ensure your good night's rest. The living room includes also features a dining table with chairs and an armchair.Apartment is perfect for a family or small group of 1 to 4 persons. This quiet apartment is well appointed and functional, with good quality and newer furnishings to ensure a pleasant stay in a comfortable, quality environment in the very center of historic Kiev. Closest metro stations are Kreschatik and Maydan Nezalezhnosti.INTERESTING OR WELL KNOWN SITES LOCATED NEARBY:St. Sofia Cathedral, St. Michael Cathedral, Shopping underground Mall, Lavra Monastery, Hayatt Hotel, InterContinental Hotel, Artema street, Krescahtik, O'brains pub, ProminvestBank, Kreschatyk Hotel,This is the most central apartment in Kiev you're just feet away from Maidan Nezalezhnosti the city's central Square.Features:Air ConditioningCable TVCoded entrance, secure doorsDVD PlayerHair DryerHigh Speed InternetIron and Iron BoardJaccuzzi tupLaundry WasherMicrowave ovenSatteliteStereoFREE mobile phone upon request during bookingFREE Delta Sky Team <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:17
Скриншоты к видео ID-405 : Business 1 br apartment
Аренда офисных помещений на Богдана Хмельницкого 16-22. Бизнес центр Киевпроект. Метро Театральная. От 20 до 200 и более кв.м. ЦЕНА 176 грн за м2. (095) 882 98 90, (068) 123 57 81, (096) 626 02 20 Длительность: 2:35
ubr.ua - украинский бизнес ресурс : Проїзд у столичній підземці - подорожчає. Через будівництво 4-ї гілки метрополітену на Троєщину. Про це повідомив Голова комісії Київради з транспорту Дмитро Олійник. Ціну на жетони піднімуть, аби повернути кошти російському банку-інвестору, який погодився фінансувати зведення. В Киеве вновь остановилось метро Наразі столична підземка - найдешевша в Україні. Проїзд у харківському та дніпропетровському метро коштує дві з половиною гривні. Це - на 50 копійок дорожче, ніж у Києві. Нагадаємо, будувати лінію на Троєщину розпочнуть уже у вересні. Першу станцію відкриють наступного року. У проекті - їх 12. Приблизна вартість робіт - понад 11 мільярдів гривень. Длительность: 0:36
To give some joy and celebrate the end of winter dormancy, Beiersdorf launches the new series of NIVEA PureNatural a set of effective moisturizing items, containing 95 of natural ingredients. To support the launch DRAFTFCB Kiev started a massive advertising campaign, which includes TV, press, outdoor, sampling, and ambient. The campaign began with eye-catching daisies in the city- and backlights in March, and continued with gardening of Kiev subway platform in April. About 300 ferns were settled in the end of Teatralna station together with NIVEA banner delivering message of The power of nature for the beauty of your skin. And another 20 large figs lined up along the platform of branded columns. 6 digital projectors installed on the station provide broadcast of NIVEA PureNatural TV spot on the walls of the tunnel. During the whole period of distribution which is about 2 month a team of florists will be taking care of the plants. Thus, despite the obvious late arrival and thanks to Beiersdorf and DRAFTFCB Kiev efforts, spring did come to the city first into the subway, and then on the streets. Длительность: 3:38
Скриншоты к видео Nivea P&N_metro_eng_2012_04_28_approved.mov
fr.euronews.com Des millions de supporteurs sont attendus pendant trois semaines en Pologne et en Ukraine pour suivre les rencontres de l'Euro 2012 de football, dont le coup d'envoi a Длительность: 2:30
Скриншоты к видео Euro 2012 : le tourisme sexuel en question
Book the Chervona Apartment Kiev now at www.hotelsweep.com - Located just a two minute walk from Khreschatik Street also known as Arene City the Chervona Apartment offers comfortable budget accommodation in a bustling area of the city. There are quite a few holiday apartments for rent in Kiev but only few match the quality and convenience of Chervona. Just two minute walk from the metro stop Ploscha L'va Tolstogo guests won't have to travel far to get around town. And for those nights when staying in and enjoying a home cooked meal is on the agenda this Ukraine apartment is located within the same building as a supermarket. Whether on business or leisure travel guests are sure to have an enjoyable stay in this Ukraine accommodation. Длительность: 0:07