Presentation of Eve Smith, English Language fellow, USDA, at English Teaching Research Center (ETRC) in Kyiv, Ukraine. Eve Smith was talking about Test-Taking Stategies during English exams. ETRC is located at the building N-3 in the courtyard of Central building ofKyiv-Mohyla Academy University. It's 5 minutes distance from KONTRAKRTOVA METRO. Meeting was hold on January 15th, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine. ================================= DIRECT LINK of this VIDEO is = ============================================ Длительность: 19:34
Скриншоты к видео English Exams: Test-Taking Strategies,Pt-1 Affordable Luxury, Perfectly Located, Expertly Designed more then just apartment rentalA comfortable two room (one bedroom) apartment, well suited for a small family or group visiting Kiev.The apartment is situated on the third floor, faces the street and has sound proof windows prevent any possible noise from the street.The bedroom has a queen size bed, the living area also has a fold out sofa bed. The bed and the sofa are new to ensure your good night's rest. The living room includes also features a dining table with chairs and an armchair.Apartment is perfect for a family or small group of 1 to 4 persons. This quiet apartment is well appointed and functional, with good quality and newer furnishings to ensure a pleasant stay in a comfortable, quality environment in the very center of historic Kiev. Closest metro stations are Kreschatik and Maydan Nezalezhnosti.INTERESTING OR WELL KNOWN SITES LOCATED NEARBY:St. Sofia Cathedral, St. Michael Cathedral, Shopping underground Mall, Lavra Monastery, Hayatt Hotel, InterContinental Hotel, Artema street, Krescahtik, O'brains pub, ProminvestBank, Kreschatyk Hotel,This is the most central apartment in Kiev you're just feet away from Maidan Nezalezhnosti the city's central Square.Features:Air ConditioningCable TVCoded entrance, secure doorsDVD PlayerHair DryerHigh Speed InternetIron and Iron BoardJaccuzzi tupLaundry WasherMicrowave ovenSatteliteStereoFREE mobile phone upon request during bookingFREE Delta Sky Team <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:17
Скриншоты к видео ID-405 : Business 1 br apartment
Киев. До премьерный показ фильма "Соловей - Разбойник" . интервью со сценаристом и исполнителем главной роли Иваном Охлобыстиным ("Даун хауз","Интерны","Мама, не горюй"). Марина Петренко ("Молитва о гетьмане Мазепе","5 минут до метро") - главная женская роль в фильме "Джентльмены удачи 2" реж.Т.Бекмамбетов Длительность: 1:55
Скриншоты к видео Иван Охлобыстин - "Соловей - Разбойник" Luxurious VIP class one bedroom apartment (the rooms are separate) is located in the center of Kiev. The whole aria of the apartment is 84 square meters; the apartment is located on 11th floor of a brand new building that became available for living only in 2008. Apartment windows open up an enchanting view to a National House of Organ Music located inside beautiful Roman Catholic church built in gothic style. The advantages of living in a brand new house you could feel just from entering the building -- the entrance hallway gives you a feeling of neatness and security. New and modern apartment lay out will let you experience all the advantages of living in a building with improved design. The building has a convenient security system -- intercom and 24 hour concierge. The apartment location allows you to enjoy all the privileges of a quiet neighborhood in the heart of the capital. It has an open view to a quiet courtyard. Gorkiy Street is one of the central locations of Kiev which is parallel to Chervonoarmiyska (Velyka Vasylkivska) Street. It is only 10 minute walk to Respublikansky Stadium and Palats Ukraina subway stations. There are Megamartket and Olimpiysky malls and Butterfly movie theater nearby. There is an underground parking avaliable for an extra fee. There is an armed door with mechanic lock at the apartment entrance. The apartment is newly renovated in classical style. All the furniture is brand new and in the same color pallet. All the rooms <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:53
Скриншоты к видео ID 71 Luxurious VIP-class one bedroomapt Apartment located in the center of left bank Kiev (Livoberezhna subway station). This apartment is sitting on the 3rd floor on a 9 story building. This cozy and comfortable 3 rooms apartment fits up to six people and is only 10 minute walk away from Livoberezhna subway station and 5 minute walk from the International Exhibit Center. Interesting places to visit nearby are: shopping mall Komod with large selection of stores and cafeterias, Multiplex movie theater, Theater of Drama and Comedy on the Left Bank. The apartment consists of two bedrooms and a living room. Both bedrooms are furnished with queen size beds with an orthopedic mattress, wardrobe and a dresser. The living room is furnished with a sofa, cabinet unit and TV with digital cable. The bathroom has imported sanitary, a wall mirror, full size bathtub, automatic washing machine and all the necessary bathroom accessories. There is an air conditioner installed in the apartment. internet connection: 3 USD per day cleaning is free of charge after 3 days on 4 th. cleaning for every day: 3 room 20 USD When booking an apartment for less than 3 days we DO NOT guarantee you moving in the very apartment you have booked, however, we are counting upon your arrival and will prepare an appropriate rental for you. This reservation is considered " Floating " which means that upon your arrival the rental you have chosen could be changed for the one of the same price range and of the same (or higher) rental class. Длительность: 1:19
Скриншоты к видео ID 32 Apartment in Kiev, R. Okipnoi Str
Августовский выпуск нашего нового проекта, посвященного новостям и событиям в мире Apple, выпускаемого совместно с В выпуске: Новости сайта: - Аудиокнига "Стив Джобс" - Наш видеодайджест - Спроси у - Розыгрыши приложений - Лаборатория Новости Apple и конкурентов: - Google откладывает запуск медиакомбайна Nexus Q - Microsoft и не думает бороться за «Метро» - YouTube исчезнет из iOS - Новый формат сим-карт в iPhone 5 - День рождения Стива Возняка - Android окончательно похоронил Flash Выпуски этого информационного подкаста выходят 2 раза в месяц: по воскресеньям вечером каждую первую и третью неделю месяца на Уже в ближайшее время подкаст должен претерпеть поистине грандиозные изменения, которые никого не оставят равнодушным. Длительность: 11:44
Park Pobedy is the deepest station in Moscow and the third deepest in the world by mean depth, after Kiev Metro's Arsenalna and Saint Petersburg Metro's Admiralteyskaya, and the very deepest station by maximum depth, 97 m. It also contains the longest escalators in Europe, each one is 126 metres long and has 740 steps. The escalator ride to the surface takes approximately three minutes. Длительность: 2:56
Скриншоты к видео Russia Longest Escalator at Park Pebody Metro Station Moscow
Дать толчок женскому предпринимательству в Европе, помочь представительницам прекрасного пола получать выгодные кредиты, развиваться, объединяться и преодолевать стереотипы о якобы мужском лице европейского бизнеса. Эту глобальную задачу успешно решают на местах. Например, в Ларнаке женщина создала банк, ориентированный на женщин. За 10 лет работы. по признанию Артемис Турмази, исполнительного директора и посла Европейской сети женского предпринимательства, "доля клиентов-женщин выросла с 10-12% до 30% ".Задача-максимум - доказать, что стереотип о мужском лице бизнеса сегодня не имеет права на существование. Банк, открытый в 2000-м году, специализируется на предоставление небольших кредитов - до ста тысяч евро - с гибкой системой схем погашения. Средства переводятся на счет клиента быстро - в течение 48 часов. Среди преданных клиентов банка - компания, которой управляет Анна Каридас. Фирма занимается мытьем машин, которые пассажиры составляют в аэропорту Ларнаки. В 2005 году на расширение бизнеса понадобились. Часть - 60 тысяч евро - дал кооперативный банк: "Они поддержали нашу идею, - рассказывает Анна. - Они помогли нам составить бизнес-план, и предоставили исчерпывающую информацию в отношении возможностей получить дополнительные средства в других финансовых институтах, на хороших условиях. Став клиентом банка, Анна получила доступ к Европейской сети женского предпринимательства, которая охватывает 22 страны ЕС и ставит целью поддержать женщин, занимающихся бизнесом <b>...</b> Длительность: 3:16
Скриншоты к видео Европейские бизнесвумен разбивают стереотипы
We found this Cossack gentleman playing Bandura near the subway entrance in Independence Square in Kyiv. I asked if he knew "Dobriy Vechir Tobi" -- and he did -- so we performed it together. Thanks to Roxie Van Horn for having the presence of mind to record it! Длительность: 1:11 The heart of Kiev is the Independence Square. This the meeting place in Kiev. Here takes place the festivals and nationale celebrations. You find here hotels, metro, shops, postoffice, restaurants, eating places, fountains, monuments, etc. Длительность: 2:46
Скриншоты к видео Ukraine Kiev centre - Independence Square, Orange Revolution, Maidan Nezalezhnosti