This spacious and well planned One Bedroom Apartment is conveniently located in the very center right by Lva Tolstogo Square one of the prime located squares of the city. This apartment's fantastic location is highly appreciated by our customers. It is only a few minutes away from Sport Palace, Lva Tolstogo metro stations, Khreschatyk St. and Arena City entertainment center. Apartment is fully furnished and equipped with everything essential a guest might need for a short or a mid term stay. There is a double bed and double sleeping sofa convertible into full sized bed in the apartment(sleep 4 people). Big bathroom with corner bath tub. Two balconies face both Shota Rustaveli St. side and back yard side. 4th floor with elevator. Door coded building entrance. Weekly maid service is included. Contact us at any time suitable for you regarding this marvelous place or any other apartment rent matter!? Длительность: 1:29 Near to a complex Mandarin Plaza and club'Arena', 2 minutes to the Bessarabsky area and a Kreschatik, near to metro station'Sports Palace'. Kitchen studio, without elevator, 2 floor, air conditioning, satellite and cable TV, the Internet, phone, the iron. Длительность: 1:29
Киев. До премьерный показ фильма "Соловей - Разбойник" . интервью со сценаристом и исполнителем главной роли Иваном Охлобыстиным ("Даун хауз","Интерны","Мама, не горюй"). Марина Петренко ("Молитва о гетьмане Мазепе","5 минут до метро") - главная женская роль в фильме "Джентльмены удачи 2" реж.Т.Бекмамбетов Длительность: 1:55
Скриншоты к видео Иван Охлобыстин - "Соловей - Разбойник"
В выпуске: - Кабинет министров взялся за выполнение социальных инициатив президента Виктора Януковича; - Упрощение процесса выплат вкладчикам Сбербанка СССР -- один из пунктов реализации социальных инициатив; - "Укрзализныця" начинает работу над проектом метрополитена в Донецке; - Служба безопасности Украины презентовала штаб, который обеспечит координацию мер безопасности во время проведения финала еврочемпионата; - В Украине начался сбор средств на закупку инсулиновых помп для детей; - Один из самых амбициозных национальных проектов осовременивания среднего образования - подводит итоги пилотного тестирования школ. Длительность: 10:05
Скриншоты к видео 18 апреля 2012. Новости на УТР. Русскоязычный выпуск.
18/04/2012 • Mykola Azarov promises to stop the dominance of law-quality drugs at the domestic pharmaceutical market. • Ukraine and Japan have signed an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in post-disaster response to emergency situations at nuclear power plants. • Ukrainian state railroad company "Ukrzaliznytsya" starts working upon the project of Donetsk subway. The minister of infrastructure Borys Kolesnikov reports to the President. • Owing to the beginning of European Football Championship Kyiv authorities plan to introduce the single taxi service. • The Ukrainian capital is in shock. Kyiv's historical street, Andriyivsky Uzviz, is being cleared of its old buildings. The Presidential Administration met with NGOs and concerned citizens to discuss the situation. • For the first time in 30 years Ukraine is hosting the World Strategic Management Championship. • Ukraine is on the brink of change in the education sphere. As part of the national "Open World" project, a conference in Kyiv brought together experts that will discuss these changes. • Transplantology in Ukraine. How to change person's outlook, for a person to become a donor and save someone's life? Know the answer in our report. • The fundraising for the purchasing of insulin pumps for children has been launched in Ukraine. The event is held in the frameworks of the nationwide charitable campaign "Heart to heart". • With the participation of technical higher education institutions, the best engineers have <b>...</b> Длительность: 29:40
Скриншоты к видео 18 April 2012. Daily News from Ukraine in English
My friends are leaving Kiev for summer so they decided to rent their nice 1 bedroom apartment. The apartment is not in the very center but you can get to the stadium where the football match will take place by taxi only for about 3 € or get to the stadium by metro. Apartment has everything you need for comfortable living and will suit a couple or a couple with a child. In the the apartment there is a double bed in the bedroom and a sofa in big kitchen. To book this apartment in Kiev for EURO 2012 visit or email me PRICE: 85 € per night and discounts for month rent. Длительность: 0:29
Скриншоты к видео Rent Cheap Apartment in Kiev for EURO 2012
По словам Премьер-министра Украины к концу 2012 года в Киеве будет завершено строительство двух станций метрополитена - "Ипподром" и "Теремки". Длительность: 7:11
Скриншоты к видео Николай Азаров проверил ход строительства метро
Павел Н. - 3d анимация, визуализация, компоузинг, озвучание. вып. за 12 часов. (2011 г.) 3ds max, after effects, photoshop выполнено в составе студии кис. Длительность: 0:18
Скриншоты к видео суицид в метро бросилась под поезд 3d