www.rotravel.info Kiev Passenger Railway Station (Ukrainian: "Київ-Пасажирський", Kyiv-Passazhyrskyi) is Kiev's main passenger railway station, serving more than 170000 passengers per day (as of 2005). The station provides long-distance service including international, and a short-distance service (elektrichka) for nearby regions. The Kiev Metro Sviatoshynsko-Brovarska Line station Vokzalna is situated nearby, constituting the station's main intersection with city transport. Длительность: 1:01
Arsenalna (Ukrainian: Арсенальна, Russian: Арсенальная Arsenalnaya) is a station on Kiev Metro's Sviatoshynsko-Brovarska Line. The station was opened along with the first stage and is currently the deepest station in the world (102 metres). This attributed to Kiev's geography where the high bank of the Dnieper River rises above the rest of the city. Also unique is the station's design which lacks a central concourse thus similar in layout to stations on the London Underground. Although Arsenalna (architects H.Hranatkin, S.Krushynsky, N.Shchukina) appears as a pylon trivault, the "Pylons" along with their portals are all purely cosmetic decoration. Pink marble walls with bronze grills (that feature metallic artwork on Soviet themes) is all that is present in the portal. Instead the station has a small lobby which is directely connected to the escalator tunnel. The ride on the escalators itself is one of the longest totaling up to five minutes. The layout of the stations has reasons, as the cosmetic pylons were planned to be real. The main one comes from the tough soils of the location and the problems with hydroisolation which forced the builders to conserve the design. Similar problems happened on the first stage in Moscow however later the stations Lubyanka and Chistye Prudy were completed. In Kiev this never was to happen. Originally built as an interim on a long track before the line crossed the Dnieper and continued into the left bank residential districts, it was <b>...</b> Длительность: 4:26
Скриншоты к видео The deepest subway station in the world (102 metres)
www.rotravel.info Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Ukrainian: Майдан Незалежності, literally: Independence Square) is the central square of Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine. One of the main city squares, it is located on the Khreschatyk Street. The square was known under many different names but it became prominent as simply the Maidan due to the political events of great significance that took place there in the recent years after the Ukrainian accession to independence. "Maidan" literally translates from Ukrainian as square; this word originally came from Persian. It received its current name in 1991 in the aftermath of the Ukrainian accession to independence. Nezalezhnist (independence) commemorates the Ukrainian independence achieved in 1991 in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Длительность: 0:53
www.rotravel.info Metrowagonmash (Russian: ОАО "Метровагонмаш") is an engineering company in Russia. The company is located in Mytishchi, near Moscow and until 1992 it was known as Mitishi Machine-building factory (Мытищинский машиностроительный завод). The plant was founded in 1897 (in village Big Mitishi) to manufacture railcars, first for the Russian North Railway. Tramways and snowplows for Moscow were produced since 1903, electric passenger trains since 1929 and metro-cars since 1934. During World War II self-propelled guns, military tractors, tracked vehicles and other military material were produced. The plant was partially evacuated to Ural in October 1941, in 1942 the equipment had back. In 1947 production of dump trucks has started. The company has later concentrated on production of subway cars, dump trucks and armored tracked vehicles (eg GM chassises). A number of models of Metrovagonmash subway cars have been deployed in nearly every subway (Metro) system of the former Soviet Union, as well as in Budapest, Prague, Sofia and Warsaw. Recently (1999) the plant started manufacturing rail buses as well. Длительность: 0:16
Скриншоты к видео Metrovagonmash subway car in Kiev
www.rotravel.info Poshtova Ploshcha (Ukrainian: Поштова площа; Russian: Почтовая площадь, Pochtovaya ploschad) is a station on Kiev Metro's Kurenivsko-Chervonoarmiyska Line. The station was opened on December 17, 1976, and is named after Kiev's Poshtova Square (Post Square) near the Dnieper's embankment in the historic Podil neighbourhood. It was designed by AS Krushynskyi, TA Tselykovska, IL Maslenkov, and VS Bohdanovskyi. The station is located shallow underground and consists of a central hall with columns. At the end of the station's hall, there is a stained glass decorative window. The station is accessible by passenger tunnels leading from the Volodymyrskyi Decent and the Poshtova Square. Near the station, the Kiev funicular is located, providing a main access to the station from the central part of Kiev. Длительность: 0:26
www.rotravel.info The Kiev Metro (Ukrainian: Київський метрополітен or Київське метро; Russian: Киевский метрополитен, Киевское метро) is a metro system that is the mainstay of Kiev's public transport. It was the first rapid transit system in Ukraine and the third one built in the USSR (after Moscow and St. Petersburg Metros). The system carries a daily 1.7 million passenger load, accounting for 34% of the Kiev's public transport load. In 2005, the total number of trips exceeded 600 million. One of the deepest stations in the world, Arsenalna at 102 metres, is found on the system. Длительность: 1:08
Турция Армия Стамбул Анталья Мармарис Турок Турки курд курды Таркан Футбол Танец бой боец солдат офицер танк самолет вертолет оружие граната бомба море отель гостиница авария трасса жара пляж Россия Украина сборная Галатасарай Фенербахче СССР америка греция армения Босния ракета Иран ирак нефть газ Туркмения Путин Дима Вова Метро Москва Киев Анкара Наша Раша клуб граница песня стихи пуля патроны арсенал челси Абрамович израиль палестина европа франция англия дискотека бар рыба фронт ВОЙНА мир список контакт смерть жизнь Беркут амон девушка баба мужчина женщина чат игра баскетбол волейбол шахтер Длительность: 5:09
Около часа ночи поступило сообщение о том, что на Кольцевой автодороге, возле остановки общественного транспорта, произошла жуткая авария. Прибыв на место происшествия, мы нашли очевидцев трагедии. Вот что нам удалось узнать: два молодых мужчины решили перейти Кольцевую дорогу. Сразу отметим, что в этом же месте находится подземный переход. В это время по Кольцевой в направлении проспекта Победы ехал мотоцикл "Сузуки". Увидев перед собой несущийся мотоцикл, один из пешеходов успел вовремя перебежать дорогу. Второй оказался прямо на пути байка. После столкновения с мужчиной, "Сузуки" пролетел еще метров 200 с водителем и еще столько же сам. После столкновения пешехода откинуло в зеленую зону. И водитель, и пешеход от полученных травм скончались на месте. Длительность: 1:38
18 липня 2009 року на «Марш здорової молоді» зібралось біля 250 учасників. На 12:00 учасники збирались біля метро "Арсенальна", сформували колону і рушили по вулиці Грушевського через Майдан Незалежності, Хрещатик, Б.Хмельницького, Володимирську, а кінцевою зупинкою маршу став парк ім. Т.Шевченка, де марш було завершено о 14:00. Длительность: 4:24
Скриншоты к видео Марш здорової молоді центром Києва