Чудо-бабушка! Она, кажется, единственная ЖИВАЯ среди всей толпы перехода метро... Солнечная, свободная и ... счастливая! Юлию Архиповну чаще всего можно встретить в переходах метро "Олимпийская", "Кловская", "Почтовая площадь" г. Киева. Баянистка - Смажелюк Юлия Архиповна Режиссер - Катерина Иванова Оператор, монтажер - Андрей Коротич Длительность: 3:57
Скриншоты к видео Слепая Баянистка Юлия Архиповна в переходах Киева
Чисто случайно встретил этот именной русич на Киевской, ну и снял. Состав из вагонов типа 81-740.4741.4. Был пущен на кольцевой линии в честь 175 - ти летия российских железных дорог Длительность: 0:13
Скриншоты к видео Именной русич в честь 175 летия ржд
rm32.com ? Ladies and gentlemen!I offer you a great opportunity to stay in an amazing, convenient and nice apartment.The apartment is located at Dnieper region, Henerala Zhmachenko st, 4. It is a? 2 bedroom apartments . The house is located just 7 min walk to the subway Darnitsa. So it will be very convenient? for you and fast to get to any place in our wonderful city. It is? a? 6/9 storey building .? The apartment is very stylish and beautifully decorated it has just been renovated. There is all you might need for living at the apartment telephone, color TV, refrigerator, parquet floors, new windows, all facilities. Everything is? decorated with taste and design idea. ? . And also you will have the opportunity to visit ?• Kiev Pechersk Lavra (7 minutes by subway); ?• Sophia's Cathedral; ?• water park (5 minutes by subway); ?• Drama and comedy (3 minutes by subway); ?• International Convention and Exhibition Centre (3 minutes by subway). ?It should be noted that at very small distances are located ?• metro station "Darnitsa" 7 min; ?• center of the city (10 km, 15 minutes by subway); ?• International airport "Borispol" (25 km); ?• Central Railway / Railway Station (15 km, 20 minutes by subway); ?• River Port (5 km). ?We provide free unlimited using local calls; ?Near the hotel is located where From 06:00 to 23:00 at the hotel runs an excellent restaurant in the four halls. You can enjoy national and European cuisine in the main hall, or plunge into the unforgettable <b>...</b> Длительность: 0:41
For more on this click naijanedu.com Subscribe to http Subscribe to www.youtube.com Subscribe to www.youtube.com Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook Group www.facebook.com Длительность: 0:37
Скриншоты к видео Kiev Metro Dangerous for Blacks ?
Book the Radisson Blu Hotel Kiev now at www.hotelsweep.com - Like most hotels in Kiev the Radisson Blu Hotel Kiev is located in a central location. It is just a few steps away from some of the top stores and businesses in the city as well as the historical district. Nearby landmarks include the St. Sofia Cathedral and the National Opera and Ballet Theater. This hotel is found at a physical address of Yaroslaviv Val Street 22 in Kiev Ukraine. The Radisson Blu Hotel Kiev is about 600 meters from the Zoloti Vorota metro station.There are 255 rooms for rent at the Radisson Blu Hotel Kiev. Guestrooms are designed according to traditional Italian Maritime and Scandinavian styles.Amenities at the Radisson Blu Hotel Kiev include a meeting room with over 407 square feet of space as well as an on-site restaurant that serves Italian and French cuisine. There is also a cigar bar on-site. The building that the hotel is housed in was originally built in the year 1903. Other amenities include a gym sauna and massage center. The front desk is open 24 hours. Длительность: 0:37
г.Киев, Дарницкий р-н, ул.Драгоманова 6/1, продажа квартир: +38093-035-83-85.. 2 комнатная квартира, 18/26 этаж, 67/35/11м2, новостройка 2012г. дом сдан, видовая квартира в престижном доме, 2 балкона, рациональная планировка, удобная транспортная развязка, метро Позняки. Свидетельство право собственности на руках. цена 90500у.е без дополнительных затрат, от хозяина. Звоните: 095-930-90-97, 093-035-83-85, Виталий. Длительность: 2:02
Скриншоты к видео ул.Драгоманова 6/1. Дарницкий р-н, продажа квартир.mp4
www.datingwomenukraine.com Het hart van Kiev is het Onafhankelijkheidsplein. Dit is de ontmoetingsplek in Kiev. Hier vinden de feestvieringen en festivals plaats. Je vindt er hotels, metro, winkels, postkantoor, restaurants, eetplekken, fontijnen, monumenten, etc. Длительность: 2:43
Скриншоты к видео Oekraine Kiev centrum-Onafhankelijkheidsplein, Oranje Revolutieplein, Maidan Nezalezhnosti