Grisha Zotov is an architect and computer programmer, who converged his skills to model and predict crow behavior in metro in order to get data based on which to propose solutions to important architectural problem of overcrowded metro. Besides he shows an awesome simulation, produces in the process. Filmed by AboutTEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.) Длительность: 14:06
Скриншоты к видео TEDxKyiv - Grisha Zotov - Modelling Crowds In 1941 the largest single massacre of the Holocaust took place at Babi Yar, a ravine in Kiev. In just 2 days almost 34 thousand Jews were murdered by a team of German SS troops, other German units, and local collaborators. This video shows scenes from Babi Yar today including: 0:53, 1:12, 2:09, 4:56 -- The park area just north of Dorohozhychi Metro Station 1:04 -- The road near the Menorah Monument to the Jewish victims 2:50 -- The park area near the 1976 monument to Soviet citizens and prisoners of war 3:18 -- The ravine where the actual massacre took place 4:51 -- Monument to children killed at Babi Yar 5:22 - Cross at the Babi Yar in Kiev where two Orthodox Christian priests were murdered by Nazis in November 1941 5:29 -- Menorah Monument to the Jewish victims 5:43 -- Monument to Soviet citizens and prisoners of war Длительность: 6:51
Скриншоты к видео Video Of Babi Yar, Ukraine - Jewish Holocaust Massacre
Короткометражный фильм "Птица" Участник конкурсной программы 3-го Всероссийского фестиваля авторского короткометражного кино "Арткино"(г.Москва) Номинирован на Международную Премию имени Арсения и Андрея Тарковских (Киев, 2011) Режиссер/Автор сценария: Андрей Литвиненко Операторы: Антон Литвиненко, Андрей Литвиненко г.Абакан, 2010 г. A short film by Andrew and Tony Litvinenko Written and Directed by Andrew Litvinenko Camera operator: Tony Litvinenko, Andrew Litvinenko Running Time: 4'55 Country: Russia (Abakan) Nominated on ArtKino Short film Festival (Mosow, 2010) and The Prize of Arseny and Andrei Tarkovsky (Kiev, 2011) Длительность: 4:56 The Golden Gates is a fortification that was part of the ancient city walls of Kiev. It was built in the 11th century by Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Prince of Kiev, but subsequently fell into disrepair and was buried underground. This video was shot around the Golden Gates. It shows: 0:07 -- View of the area around the entrance to Zoloti Vorota Metro Station 0:10 -- The pavilion built over the ruins of the Golden Gates 0:33 -- Ticket office for entrance to the Golden Gates and museum 0:36 -- Interior of the Golden Gates 0:46 -- View of Zolotovoritska and the Golden Gate Irish Pub 0:51 -- Bronze statue of Yaroslav the Wise 0:59 -- Wooden carving on Zolotovoritska 1:14 -- Bronze statue of the cat Pantyusha 1:49 -- Entrance to Zoloti Vorota Metro Station 1.55 -- Summer caf Длительность: 2:18 Khreschatyk (Kreshchatik, Kreschatik) is Kiev's main street. It runs south from Independence Square and is over 1 mile long. The street is lined with shops, bars, and restaurants. It is a popular gathering spot and is especially busy during weekends and public holidays when it is closed to traffic. Sights and buildings on Khreschatyk include: • Bessarabsky Market -- wonderful covered market • City Hall -- Kiev City Council • Central Post Office • Independence Square - Maidan Nezalezhnosti (2:15) • Khreschatyk Metro Station (2:21) • Passage (0:38) -- street off Khreschatyk -- home to many cafes, bars, and exclusive boutiques • TSUM (2:11) -- Central Universal Department Store -- Soviet era department store Video filmed with a Panasonic TM 700 and edited with Sony Vegas/Magic Bullet. Длительность: 3:12
Скриншоты к видео Kreschatik Street Kiev - Khreschatyk, Kreshchatik - Ukraine
Вагон-музей типа Д, н. 2135, 1960 года выпуска, восстановленный к 50-летию Киевского метро выкатывают из малярного цеха ВагонРемонтного Завода и увозят в депо (ТЧ-1) с помощью контактно-аккумуляторного электровоза. Длительность: 6:19
Скриншоты к видео Вагон-музей типа Д н. 2135 на трансбордере ВРЗ This video was shot on a rainy day in the Podil area of Kiev (Kyiv) in Ukraine. Sights seen include: 0:14 - Naberezhno--Khreshchatytska 0:17 -- Entrance to the Funicular Railway 0:23 -- Sahaidachnoho 0:27 -- Hotel Impressa 0:34 -- Entrance to Kontraktova Ploscha Metro Station 1:32 -- Bottom of Andrew's Descent 1:43 -- Belfast Irish Pub at Kontraktova Ploscha 1:47 -- Church of the Mother of God at Kontraktova Ploscha 1:58 -- Statue of Cossack commander Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny 2:18 -- Ukrainian girl student stood outside National University of Kiev Mohyla Academy 2:21 -- View of St Andrew's Church 2:25 -- Contracts House at Kontraktova Ploscha 2:35 -- Buses and trams near Kontraktova Ploscha Metro Station 3:00 -- Fountain of Sampson Длительность: 3:43