Прокуратура города Киева направила в суд уголовные дела против 11 работников Киевского метрополитена о присвоении денег из автоматов для пополнения проездных карточек на станции метро Минская, сообщили в ведомстве. Видео предоставлено телеканалом СТБ Длительность: 1:44
Скриншоты к видео Работники киевского метрополитена, воровали деньги
wpost.in 15 Luteranskaya St. (very center, Kreshchatik, Passage, quiet place) Luxury apartment in the very center of Kiev for rentclassic + modern styles, 2 living rooms, 2 separate bedroomsfully equipped, air conditioning, 2 TVsets, Sat, Wi Fi, Jacuzzi 3rd floor, n/e, 8 sleeping places (2+2+2+2), balcony, parkingnearest metro stations: Kreshchatik, Maidan, Teatral'naya Длительность: 1:59
roomorama.com A comfortable two room (one bedroom) apartment well suited for a small family or group visiting Kiev.This apartment offers guests high standards in an excellent location at a reasonable nightly rate. The apartment is situated on 7th floor serviced by an elevator. The apartment faces street and has noise prove windows.The bedroom has a king sized bed, the living area also has fold out sofa. The living room features the sofa bed, a dining table with chairs and an armchair.Apartment is perfect for a family or small group of 1 to 4 persons. This quiet apartment is well appointed and functional, with good quality and newer furnishings to ensure a pleasant stay in a comfortable, quality environment in the very center of historic Kiev. Close to metro stations: Kreschatik and Palace of Sports, Bessarabka market, Mandarin Plaza.atures:Air ConditioningCable TVCoded entrance, secure doorsDVD PlayerFanHigh Speed InternetIron and Iron BoardLaundry WasherMicrowave ovenSatteliteStereoVCR PlayerFREE mobile phone upon request during bookingFREE Delta Sky Team Miles RewardsUNLIMITED High Speed Internet!WELCOME BASKET AND SHOPPING UPON REQUESTPrices:150 USD From 1 till 2 night140 USD From 3 and more night Длительность: 1:11
Скриншоты к видео ID-306 : Affordable Luxury 1 br apart
roomorama.com Sweet, Semi lux or simply the apartment rental you deserve.A comfortable two room (one bedroom) apartment, well suited for a small family or group visiting Kiev.The apartment faces the street and has sound proof windows prevent any possible noise from the street.The bedroom has a queen size bed, the living area also has a fold out sofa bed. The bed and the sofa are new to ensure your good night's rest. The living room includes also features a dining table with chairs and an armchair.Apartment is perfect for a family or small group of 1 to 4 persons. This quiet apartment is well appointed and functional, with good quality and newer furnishings to ensure a pleasant stay in a comfortable, quality environment in the very center of historic Kiev. Closest metro stations are Kreschatik and Maydan Nezalezhnosti.Features:Air ConditioningCable TVCoded entrance, secure doorsDVD PlayerHair DryerHigh Speed InternetIron and Iron BoardMicrowave ovenSatteliteStereoFREE WIFI InternetFREE mobile phone upon request during bookingFREE Delta Sky Team Miles RewardsLAPTOP RENTALUNLIMITED High Speed Internet!WELCOME BASKET AND SHOPPING UPON REQUESTPrices:119 USD From 1 till 2 night109 USD From 3 and more night Длительность: 1:35
Скриншоты к видео ID-451 : Sweet Semi Lux Apartment
roomorama.com This location is a historical center of Kiev. The district is considered a business and entertainment center of our capital. The apartment is located in close proximity to Mandarin Plaza and the Arena City shopping centers, 24 hour Furshet Gourmet supermarket, Arena entertainment center with a nightclub, casino, sport bar, etc. 3 room apartment located near Leo Tolstoy subway station. Comfortably fit up to six people. The apartment consists of two bedrooms and a living room. Both bedrooms are furnished with queen size beds with an orthopedic mattress, wardrobe and a dresser.The living room is furnished with leather fold out sofa, two arm chairs, coffee table, chairs,TV with digital cable TV. Living room design is executed in whites. The kitchen has everything for comfortable living gas stove, exhaust hood, refrigerator, dining table with chairs, electric kettle, microwave oven, and all the necessary cookware, tableware and utensils. The bathroom has imported sanitary, a wall mirror, full size bathtub, automatic washing machine and all the necessary bathroom accessories.There is an air conditioner installed in the apartment.internet connection: 3 USD per daycleaning is free of charge after 3 days on 4 th.cleaning for every day:3 room 20 USDWhen booking an apartment for less than 3 days we DO NOT guarantee you moving in the very apartment you have booked, however,we are counting upon your arrival and will prepare an appropriate rental for you. This reservation <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:47
Скриншоты к видео ID 35 Apartment in Kiev, Rustaveli Shota
roomorama.com This studio apartment is located in Kiev center. The daily rental is located close to Respublikansky Stadion (150m), Palats Ukraina (800m) and Palats Sportu (700m) subway stations.Secure parking near Megamarket shopping center is included in rental price. Furthermore, the rental is supplied with convenient security system and armed doors with a code lock.The apartment location allows you to enjoy all the privileges of a quiet neighborhood in the heart of the capital. It has an open view to a quiet courtyard. Gorkiy Street is one of the central locations of Kiev which is parallel to Krasnoarmeyska (Velyka Vasylkivska) Street. It is only 10 minute walk to Respublikansky Stadium and Palats Ukraina subway stations. There are Megamartket, Olimpiysky malls and Butterfly cinema nearby.The apartment can fit up to four people and is supplied with furniture and accessories necessary for you comfortable stay.The apartment is newly renovated. The room s interior is maintained in one color palette; there are traces of classic style, with its peculiar harmony and coziness, in interior design.The room is furnished with a queen size bed with an orthopedic mattress, fold out sofa, digital cable TV on a TV stand, DVD player. The floors are laminated and covered with carpet.The kitchen is equipped with cabinets, gas stove, refrigerator, microwave oven, dining table with chairs, tableware and cookware.The bathroom has tiles, good condition sanitary, bathtub, automatic washing <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:29
Скриншоты к видео ID 75 studio apartment in Kiev center
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Проект Євро Вірші -- Euro Poems відбуватиметься одночасно в чотирьох українських містах-господарях Чемпіонату Європи з футболу -- Львів, Київ, Харків, Донецьк. 07-28.06 /ЛЬВІВ/ виставка біля пам'ятника Іванові Франку (вул. Університетська); 12.06-01.07 /ДОНЕЦЬК/ виставка вздовж вулиці Челюскінців (навпроти Центрального ринку); 12.06-02.07 /КИЇВ/ виставки на станціях метрополітену: «Політехнічний інститут», «Поштова площа» та «Кловська». 13-28.06 /ХАРКІВ/ виставки на станціях метрополітену: «Держпром», «Радянська», «Академіка Барабашова». Доробок 12 українських та 12 польських поетів українською та англійською мовою буде розташовано на станціях метрополітену Києва та Харкова, а також в міському публічному просторі Донецька і Львова. Мета проекту полягає в тому, щоб показати спільну європейську культурну спадщину українців і поляків на прикладі сучасної поезії, а також залучити нову аудиторію до відстеження літературного життя. ПОЛЬЩА - 12 ПОЕТІВ: Адам Відеман, Анджей Стасюк, Даріуш Сосніцький, Даріуш Суска, Евгеніуш Ткачишин-Дицький, Збіґнєв Махей, Йоанна Вайс, Йоанна Мюллер, Кароль Малішевський, Клара Новаковська, Кристина Домбровська, Рената Сенктас. УКРАЇНА - 12 ПОЕТІВ: Андрій Бондар, Богдана Матіяш, Гриць Семенчук, Дмитро Лазуткін, Катерина Бабкіна, Маріанна Кіяновська, Олег Коцарев, Остап Сливинський, Павло Вольвач, Павло Коробчук, Сергій Жадан, Юрій Андрухович. Вперше польська та українська поезія буде представлена багатомільйонній аудиторії українців та футбольних <b>...</b> Длительность: 0:59
Скриншоты к видео ЄВРО ВІРШІ: Остап Сливинський - Ми з'їхали в ніч...
"Flucht in die Metro" wurde in Kiew in der Ukraine mit einer Besetzung von mehr als 150 Personen und bei Temperaturen unter dem Gefrierpunkt gedreht. Durch das Kombinieren von Live-Action mit Bildern aus dem Spiel erz Длительность: 5:27
Скриншоты к видео Flucht in die Metro - Making Of (Offizielle Deutsche Version)