www.facebook.com www.ceepackaging.com twitter @ceepackaging www.facebook.com There are three stations at Kiyevskaya as can be seen in this film. The station is named after the nearby Kiyevsky Rail Terminal. On the brown line Kievskaya features low, square pylons faced with white marble and surmounted by large mosaics by AV Myzin celebrating Russo-Ukrainian unity. Both the mosaics and the arches between the pylons are edged with elaborate gold-colored trim. At the end of the platform is a portrait of Lenin. The station on the dark blue line was opened in 1953, it is lavishly decorated in the quasi-baroque style that predominated in the early 1950s. The square pylons are faced with white Ural marble and elaborately patterned ceramic tile and the plastered ceiling is decorated with a series of frescoes by various artists depicting life in Ukraine. A large mosaic at the end of the platform commemorates the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Russia and Ukraine. Light comes from a row of hexagonal chandeliers. The architects were LV Lile, VA Litvinov, MF Markovsky, and VM Dobrokovsky. The light blue line station was opened in 1937 and closed in 1953 when the new Kiyevskaya station, intended to replace it, was completed. Due to a change of plans, however, it reopened after only five years as part of the new Filyovskaya Line. Kiyevskaya features tall, octagonal pillars topped with elaborate capitals. The pillars were originally faced with Armenian onyx, but this was <b>...</b> Длительность: 3:37
Скриншоты к видео Moscow Metro Kievskaya - Киевская
В рамках тура "New Life" группа "Brainwashed" (Берлин) даст ряд концертов по городам Украины. Начало тура 1 декабря в ЖИТОМИРЕ, а окончание, 12 декабря в ЗАПОРОЖЬЕ. Группы посетят с концертами 7 городов: КИЕВ, ЖИТОМИР, ЗАПОРОЖЬЕ, ЖЕЛТЫЕ ВОДЫ, АЛЕКСАНДРИЯ, ВОЛЬНЯНСК, ПОЛОГИ. Вместе с "Brainwashed" в туре примут участие: «GOH», «Пророки» и «Коридор». Выступления пройдут: 01.12.09 ЖИТОМИР Клуб "Каньон", начало концерта 19:00 02.12.09 КИЕВ Клуб "Bingo", 20:00 03.12.09 КИЕВ "Bear center", 19:00 (станция метро Черниговская ул. Попудренко 52) 04.11.09 АЛЕКСАНДРИЯ совместно с группой «GOH» ДК «Светлопольский», начало концерта 17:00 05.12.09 АЛЕКСАНДРИЯ совместно с группой «GOH» Районный ДК (РДК), начало концерта 17:00 06.12.09 ЖЕЛТЫЕ ВОДЫ совместно с группой «Коридор» ДК «Ленина», начало концерта 18:00 07.12.09 ЖЕЛТЫЕ ВОДЫ совместно с группой «Коридор» ДК «Ленина», начало концерта 19:00 08.12.09 ВОЛЬНЯНСК совместно с группой «GOH» Районный ДК, начало концерта 18:00 09.12.09 ПОЛОГИ совместно с группой «GOH» Районный ДК (РДК), начало концерта 18:00 10.12.09 ПОЛОГИ совместно с группой «GOH» Районный ДК (РДК), начало концерта 18:00 11.12.09 ЗАПОРОЖЬЕ совместно с группой «Пророки» ДК "Хортицкий" пр.Советский 15, начало концерта 18:00 12.12.09 ЗАПОРОЖЬЕ совместно с группой «Пророки» ДК "Энергетиков" бул. Винтера 16, начало концерта 18:00 Длительность: 2:24
Скриншоты к видео Brainwashed - тур "New Life" по городам Украины
In 1939, Winston Churchill called Russia a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. For centuries, journeys in Russia were fraught with difficulties, regardless of the method of travel. Today, a Viking River Cruises journey provides the perfect way to experience Russias countryside, culture and two great cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Moscow, Russias capital, boasts some 2500 historical and architectural monuments, 70 museums, 50 theaters, 4500 libraries and 540 colleges and research institutions. There is so much to see and experience there—Red Square, with the colorful onion domes of St. Basils Cathedral, the tomb of Vladimir Lenin and the massive 120-year-old GUM department store, the nearby Kremlin, and of course the citys world-famous Metro system. St. Petersburg provides gentler and more graceful pleasures with its romantic canals, baroque palaces and lovely avenues and squares designed along European lines. You will want to visit the Hermitage, both the historic Winter Palace and a world-class art museum with an extensive collection of works ranging from da Vinci and Michelangelo to C Длительность: 7:05
www.facebook.com www.ceepackaging.com twitter @ceepackaging www.facebook.com An exciting journey by train from Saint Petersburg to Moscow in an overnight sleeper. As can be seen, the conditions were good! My channel on you tube : www.youtube.com is one of themost prolific from Poland. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- www.ceepackaging.com - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers. Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine! Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region and the sites http and www.ceepackaging.com give a pretty good idea where future films are going to come from! Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film! In 1997 I founded Polish Business News www.pbn.com.pl .There <b>...</b> Длительность: 4:34
Скриншоты к видео Night train from Saint Petersburg to Moscow
Перегон Фили - Кунцево-I в районе станции метро "Славянский Бульвар" Арбатско-Покровской линии. Москва, Смоленское направление, Московская железная дорога. ПДС - № 11 Москва-Варшава "Восток-Запад" на Москву/// Peregon Fili - Kuntsevo-I near the metro station "Slavic Boulevard Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line. Moscow, Smolensk area of the Moscow Railway. PDS - № 11 Moscow-Warsaw "East-West" to Moscow Длительность: 0:51
Скриншоты к видео № 11 Москва-Варшава "Восток-Запад" на Москву
Put together some random videos that I filmed in Seoul, I've been here for 11 months now & will miss it so much, this is like...my 5th home? Well I like it, wish I could stay a little longer! First clip, is RAIN RAIN RAIN at midnight of a Friday or Saturday (I often get inspired to do random things after chatting with or calling people late at night). 2nd part is today while on the metro, some lady had a bag of puppies, they were adorable and so tiny, thank you for everything God Длительность: 3:04
Escalator ride into the world's deepest subway station -- 102 m. Arsenalna, Kjiv (Kiev), Ukraine. Nothing happens, just the accordion player halfway down. Длительность: 4:14
Скриншоты к видео Kjiv Kiev Arsenalna Deeep Subway
SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2009 IN KIEV: in the metro, in maiden independance place in Krychiatik: ambiance in the city,people wiht mask or not, how people are and feel, how do they protect with a maks or other way, what you do not find anymore in farmacia, in supermarket and how life is still going normal for a lot of people... Длительность: 9:45
Скриншоты к видео Virus A H1N1/swin flue Grippe A in KIEV part 2 :sunday 1 november 2009 in the center of Kiev