вторник, 11 декабря 2012 г.

Film napisy polskie PL Brat 2 Brother 2 English subtitles Fr

Film napisy polskie PL Brat 2 Brother 2 English subtitles FrBrother 2 English subtitles action movie Russian Ca
Длительность: 122:38

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Film napisy polskie PL Brat 2 Brother 2 English subtitles Fr
Видео Film napisy polskie PL Brat 2 Brother 2 English subtitles Fr Video Film napisy polskie PL Brat 2 Brother 2 English subtitles Fr Film napisy polskie PL Brat 2 Brother 2 English subtitles Fr

До луны на метро

До луны на метроСтанция: Виставкой центр, Киевский метрополитен Station: Vistavkoy cent Kiev Metro
Длительность: 3:23

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До луны на метро
Видео До луны на метро Video До луны на метро До луны на метро

воскресенье, 9 декабря 2012 г.

29. Игорь Сикорский и стрекозы by Entomologist in Ukraine (РУС)

29. Игорь Сикорский и стрекозы by Entomologist in Ukraine (РУС)Энтомолог кандидат биологических наук Виктор Николаевич Фурсов рассказывает о судьбе Игоря Ивановича Сикорского - американского авиационного конструктора, родившегося в Киеве, учившегося в Киеве, в Санкт-Петербурге, в Париже и в Германии, а затем уехавшего в 1919 году и жившего и работавшего в США, где он создал в г.Стенфорд (США) крупнейшую компанию по производству вертолетов - SYKORSKY COMPANY. В.Н.Фурсов также показывает пример вертикального полета у животных - у стрекоз. Недаром говорят, что вертолеты - это рукотворные, созданные человеком, летающие стрекозы. Рассказ проходит около памятника Игорю Сикорскому, который установлен около Киевского политехнического института (на проспекте Победы, недалеко от МЕТРО "Политехнический институт" в Киеве). Entomologist Dr Viktor FURSOV is talking about Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky, American aviation engineer and inventor of the helicopters named SYKORSKY helicopters. Viktor Fursov is standing and talking nearby the monument of Igor Sikorsky which was established in Kyiv, Ukraine, near National Technical University "Kyiv Polytechnical Institute" (it is located behind Central building of KPI, at Prospekt Pobedy, Kyiv, near METRO "POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE"). The short overview of the biography of Igor Sikorsky is presented. Viktor Fursov shows some dragonflies (collected specimens of ODONATA, INSECTA) as a natural evidence of vertical flight of some animals which are using flopping wings of a high speed with some balancing rotation's <b>...</b>
Длительность: 5:31

Скриншоты к видео
29. Игорь Сикорский и стрекозы by Entomologist in Ukraine (РУС)
Видео 29. Игорь Сикорский и стрекозы by Entomologist in Ukraine (РУС) Video 29. Игорь Сикорский и стрекозы by Entomologist in Ukraine (РУС) 29. Игорь Сикорский и стрекозы by Entomologist in Ukraine (РУС)

30.About Igor Sykorsky, Helicopters and Dragonflies by Entomologist in Ukraine

30.About Igor Sykorsky, Helicopters and Dragonflies by Entomologist in UkraineEntomologist Dr Viktor FURSOV is talking about Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky, American aviation engineer and inventor of the helicopters named SYKORSKY helicopters. Viktor Fursov is standing and talking nearby the monument of Igor Sikorsky which was established in Kyiv, Ukraine, near National Technical University "Kyiv Polytechnical Institute" (it is located behind Central building of KPI, at Prospekt Pobedy, Kyiv, near METRO "POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE"). The short overview of the biography of Igor Sikorsky is presented. Viktor Fursov shows some dragonflies (collected specimens of ODONATA, INSECTA) as a natural evidence of vertical flight of some animals which are using flopping wings of a high speed with some balancing rotation's forces. First aircrafts designed by I. Sikorsky: S-6 -- Three-passenger plane -- produced in 1912; S-21 Russky Vityaz Four-engine biplane -- 1913; S-22 Ilya Muromets Four-engine biplane -- 1913; S-29 Twin-engine Biplane; S-42 Clipper -- Flying Boat -- 1934; VS-300 Experimental Prototype Helicopter -- 1939; VS-44 Excambian flying boat -- 1942; R-4 World's first production helicopter -- 1943. Latest models of Sikorsky helicopters (2012 year): BLACK HAWK helicopter, SEA HAWK helicopter, H-92 helicopter, CH-53 helicopter, S-76 helicopter, H-3 helicopter and others. Recorded: December, 9th, 2012, Kiev, Ukraine. E-MAIL for contacts: ufensia (at)gmail.com
Длительность: 4:55

Скриншоты к видео
30.About Igor Sykorsky, Helicopters and Dragonflies by Entomologist in Ukraine
Видео 30.About Igor Sykorsky, Helicopters and Dragonflies by Entomologist in Ukraine Video 30.About Igor Sykorsky, Helicopters and Dragonflies by Entomologist in Ukraine 30.About Igor Sykorsky, Helicopters and Dragonflies by Entomologist in Ukraine

четверг, 6 декабря 2012 г.

Battlefield 3 Aftermath Gameplay (Conquest 1 round) Art-gamers.ru

Battlefield 3 Aftermath Gameplay (Conquest 1 round) Art-gamers.ruAftermath Gameplay + russian gameplay commentaries Game with youtube guys on event created by SibRusich and art-gamers.ru Servers in Battlefield 3: [DFA] Hardcore | Aftermath HC | 200% Tickets: battlelog.battlefield.com [DFA] | Normal Aftermath | 200% tickets | dfa-team.com: battlelog.battlefield.com DFA] Hardcore | Metro |NO RPG M320 M67 SHOTGUNS MAV | 24/7: battlelog.battlefield.com [DFA] Traning (16x16) Aftermath Normal: battlelog.battlefield.com Platoon: battlelog.battlefield.com In social networks: www.facebook.com __________________________________ twitter: twitter.com __________________________________ Vkontakte: vk.com __________________________________ Site: anub1k.kiev.ua
Длительность: 21:44

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Battlefield 3 Aftermath Gameplay (Conquest 1 round) Art-gamers.ru
Видео Battlefield 3 Aftermath Gameplay (Conquest 1 round) Art-gamers.ru Video Battlefield 3 Aftermath Gameplay (Conquest 1 round) Art-gamers.ru Battlefield 3 Aftermath Gameplay (Conquest 1 round) Art-gamers.ru