i love my shoes! i was standin in the underground on saturday afternoon waiting for my train to come and i shot this video to remember how i loved my shoes in that moment. i loved them as much than i've danced in public. i'm even better than george bush! Длительность: 0:31
This was my big day in Kiev. I wanted to take a lot of video with my digital camera. Although I have similar analog video from 1991, 1997 and 2000, it's not the same quality. You can see some of these on the Predvestnik web page. I took the metro to Kreshatik and switched stations -- went two stops north -- when I came out of the underground, I was lost. It turned out that I was not far from where I wanted to be, but I took a roundabout way of getting there. My theory was that I should find the Dneiper by walking due east and than walk south along the river until I found McDonald's. This took about an hour. I finally found the tramline that goes up a steep hill to St Sophia's square. I walked around Sophia's monastery and climbed the bell tower. I took video from the top and figured out the route I'd have to take to get to Andrivsky's street. There is a huge Hyatt with a glass front in that old square now-- horrible! I was thirsty all day, but waited for a few hours to until I found a place to buy water. This turned out to be a big mistake. I had suffered some dehydration and I paid for it later on. I walked down Andrivsky's street. I had never been inside the old cathedral before, so that was interesting. My church in Sanford, Florida is St. Andrew's Chapel, so the connection is interesting. According to legend, the Apostle Andrew preached to the Scythians in this region. Supposedly, he stood on this hill and prophesied that a great city would be built on that spot. I <b>...</b> Длительность: 13:08
Скриншоты к видео Mission to Ukraine 7/17/2007 - St Sophia's Cathedral, Kiev